NZTC Championship 2001/02

17th May 2001


With Teams consolidating their construction plans for this years NZTC Championship, there is strong support amongst them for the introduction of the FIA homologated super production rules (261) as the basis for car construction in New Zealand's Premiere Motorsport Class.

"We've had a fantastic run with the New Zealand Schedule S regulations, but its time to update the cars and the regulations which govern them so they meet the needs of the new millineum." said NZTC President Geoff Short. "Adoption of the Super Production rules would provide a clear upgrade path for the class, allowing teams to begin construction of cars in earnest for the 2001/02 season".

Many team owners believe that adoption of Super Production would provide an opportunity for encouraging international competition and confirm the class's status as the most sophisticated championship in the New Zealand Motor Racing Calendar. Short is visiting Germany, Italy and England in June on a fact finding tour to gauge the support of European Teams for participation in the New Zealand Championship.

If Super Production cars are constructed, using what is essentially a base car, New Zealand teams wishing to compete outside New Zealand should be able to adapt their cars to European tracks in a predicable way, while European teams interested in racing in New Zealand, could easily adapt their cars to New Zealand conditions.

"It also has the advantage of sourcing cars that have already been built in Europe as well as providing the flexibility of New Zealand based construction. With the rate of car turnover in Europe higher than New Zealand, European teams are enthusiastic to find buyers for surplus vehicles Down Under. This should make buying newer cars, and the filter down effect of older cars more cost effective for the New Zealand 2.0 litre class." enthused Short.

It would seem that the Touring Car Association of New Zealand would like to see current Schedule S cars have the option of continuing to run under the current Schedule S rules without modification or modify the car to the Super Production standards while allowing them exemptions to reduce the cost of this conversion and to simplify construction.

With ratification of the rules for the New Zealand Touring Class by the Motorsport New Zealand Technical Committee, a raft of new models look set to grace the Motor Racing stage in 2001.

For more information contact:
Tony Bunyan
New Zealand Touring Car Website
